The Revolution Must Be Proven (song)

1 year ago

Can you feel the simmering tension? Everybody knows it nobody mentions

Close your eyes, the storm will surely pass, forget about your past, there’s only present no future

Suits you, who cares, play phone and computer, sooner, fewer, bow down to your rulers

Fact-check, debunked, conspiracies and rumours

Everyone pretending, the world is all a stage, give a President an Oscar, the big guy gets paid, 10% commission, call a spade a spade.


Won’t you be a part of the revolution? Broke my heart, with your delusions

When will you emerge from slumber, I’ve been waiting, coz our days are numbered

How are you still being fooled? The time is now, or we’re all screwed

Wake up, when you’re ready I’ll be here, take my hand, have no fear

Outsource opinion and thought to the experts, hive-mind drones, embracing conjecture

The science says, general consensus, your lying eyes, gullible and senseless

Fifth gen warfare, mis, dis & mal-info, spin us a yarn and we’ll run it by Politco Ostrich effect, heads buried in the sand, billions of lost souls, all going to plan.


Won’t you be a part of the revolution? Broke my heart, with your delusions

When will you emerge from slumber, I’ve been waiting, coz our days are numbered

How are you still being fooled? The time is now, or we’re all screwed

Wake up, when you’re ready I’ll be here, take my hand, have no fear

Protests, no rest, gotta keep goin’, censored, suppressed, movement is growin’

Where are you now my friend? Who were you before? Who do you wanna be? Evil’s at your door

Starts with a whisper, ends in a roar, revolution in the air, together we could soar

It could be so beautiful, one people indisputable

Tyrants inexcusable, crimes are irrefutable.


Won’t you be a part of the revolution? Broke my heart, with your delusions

When will you emerge from slumber, I’ve been waiting, coz our days are numbered

How are you still being fooled? The time is now, or we’re all screwed

Wake up, when you’re ready I’ll be here, take my hand, have no fear

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