Post-Quantum Future & Abolishing Corruption in Healthcare, Finance & National Security

1 year ago

The Brilliant and Heavily frontal- lobbed Philip Abraham is back at it again & this time he & WarriorCast's Host, Mike Benz, voted sexiest man of the year by himself on an semi-annualized basis (why semi? bc the man's proactive, darn it), take on the Powers at Be.
But wait? There's more?!

They explore how Philip rose to prominence in EmergentTech and how together they can combat corruption via cooperation. Cooperative what? Shenanigans we say!!! The world is most assuredly only black and white... right?

Well... apparently not-so-much.

Philip & Mike mirror-neuron the *sh towards uncovering the truth behind "The System", as it were, affecting all major substantive industries in the US (and abroad... by extension, so don't feel excluded ya'll from elsewhere), from healthcare, finance, security snd more if they didn't get hungry and call it quits around the hour mark.

Philip Abraham​, former COO of #DragonChain and the Kmart/Walmart mastermind uncovered the greatest fraud perpetrated on the American public... and no, it's not by the Government! (they are being defrauded too!) Shocking... we know.
*Disclaimer* our nonprofit brother affiliate CWF loves you, IRS. And don't you ever forget it! 501(c)(3) recognition, por flavors?

Philip reveals a truth so big, in fact, that he was blacklisted - get this - after discovering corruption. lol a notion potentially shocking a decade a go... perhaps not so much in the so-called current year ;) #based

Mike Benz & Philip Abraham go there.... they diagnosis what ails our country (and the world by extension) and discuss how we can build disruptive solutions - #blockchain-based or otherwise - to fix what has been broken for far too long.

Let's Kumbaya this B, Everyone. Sub, Show Philip some love, and all the rest. No one like a freeloader!

See you then (and Enjoy)!!!

- WarriorCast

@BlockchainZoo @GBAorg @ejirolucky1356 @TheMetaRoyPodcast @benjaminmena9990 @cryptonized1

#advancementsintechnology #trendingtechnologiesin2022 #blockchaintechnology #ushealthcaresystemexplained #ushealthcaresystem #cloudtechnologies #healthsystems #mafia #corruptioninhealthcare #truthteller #UShealthcareexposed #shockingcost #exposed #cause #2023 #philipabraham #cloudfaceusa #truth #blockchain #technology #cloudtechnologies #celsius #FTX #DeFi #crypto #crytpocurrency #finance #nationalsecurity #healthcare #postquantum

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