We Have Been Sold-Out!

1 year ago

#snare, #WEF, #obama, #biden, #JesusChrist

What is a snare?

That's why the Bible tells us, “The fear of man lays a snare, but whoever trusts in the Lord is safe” (Proverbs 29:25). The Hebrew word here for “snare” refers to traps hunters used to catch animals or birds. Snares are dangerous. If we get caught, we must do whatever it takes to free ourselves. (Jon Bloom, 2016)

America has been sold out to China. The Powers that are controlling the world events are slowly removing America's greatest power, Jesus Christ.
It is not by accident that America is presently the greatest threat to common good and decency. America is now the promoter of LGBTQ, and promoting child porn. Just open your eyes and take a careful look around you and see the evil all about us. We cannot escape it.

Things will deteriorate my friend, just watch. Moreover, there is still something you and I can do. We can share Jesus with others, our neighbours, family and associates. Jesus Christ is our ONLY hope in this present snare that we find ourselves in. And people believe when I tell you that elections will NOT solve these problems. The demons have elections under lock and key. God be with us all!

Eyes Open!


1. https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Proverbs%2029%3A25&version=NIV

2. https://www.desiringgod.org/articles/lay-aside-the-fear-of-man#:~:text=That%27s%20why%20the%20Bible%20tells,it%20takes%20to%20free%20ourselves.

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