Is it up to us to know the times and seaons?

2 years ago

Socialism drives curiosity right out of its converts. It creates a religious like zeal to adhere to an ideology which gives its believers answers to multivariate complex issues without ever asking the right questions about the problems it claims to have the ability to solve. Surprisingly those most prone to this ideological possession are often quite clever. Clever enough to create technology which is detrimental to humanity while leaving them convinced that said technology liberates rather than enslaves. The Besservissers gathered in Davos are plotting our enslavement even as I type not because they're stupid but because they're clever enough to lie even to themselves where the emerging global order is leading us, and ultimately them, namely to their own demise!

Receiving Christ is based upon revelation of Him which has been made freely available to all who believe but the path that comes after that is narrow and fraught with danger. Do not hope to escape your obligation to stand against the prevalent perversion of Truth and expect that you will not pay a price when you do. This series is dedicated to providing you with the tools to counter falsehood. This requires that we study to show ourselves approved by God. We must come to know Him better and understand the ideological position of those who seek to propagate the prevailing antihuman agenda of an elite class who seek to enslave our fellow man.
Galatians 5:1 NASB It was for freedom that Christ set us free; therefore keep standing firm and do not be subject again to a yoke of slavery.
It is not up to us to know when he will return but it is up to us to be found doing His work when he does!

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