Back When Porn Was Fun: Freedom From The Chains (Author/Book Promo)

2 years ago

BACK WHEN PORN WAS FUN: FREEDOM FROM THE CHAINS is an intense, personal journey, written as an allegory, into the depths of a life addicted to pornography. The author, Jason Butz, shares how his personal abyss all but devoured his family and his very soul amidst a life consumed by a pornographic addiction over the course of nearly 25 years. A double life fueled with hatred, depression, lies, and suicidal tendencies drove the author to believe there was no way to escape the pain and insanity. Suppressed by a diabolical entourage, the battle for his soul was a painstaking journey to reclaim hope and freedom. Renouncing the lie that feeling triumphant was a prerequisite to move forward in the process, the author came to grips with taking all thoughts captive to the obedience of Christ in order to break the darkness, claim victory, and save his family.

Experience the most heart-sinking and disturbing story of one man’s all-too-common life of secrets. Witness the miraculous redemption of a man and his family through their journey with Jesus Christ. His battle cry to the reader is, “He who is in me is greater than he who is in the world” (1 John 4:4). Therefore, expose and relentlessly crush the darkness in Jesus name! Humanity has a misaligned view of what it coins as fun. "What Momma don't know won't hurt her", so the saying goes. Cloaked within this adolescent cliché of good times steeped in the act of rebelling, our humanity sadly finds its cheap thrills to be sensationalized. Good, clean fun, as we have it presented to us from our father's and grandfather’s generation, has numbed us to the sinister overthrowing of our societal structure, the ruin of countless families, and the mutilation of the souls of mankind. Once viewed as harmless fun for the sophisticated man of the 1950’s stereotype, pornography has altered the world in which we live. Harmless fun has hardly been a phrase that the author had personally associated with porn. Rather the opposite—destructive, perverted, sick, selfish, evil, shameful, an addiction to hide from his parents, and later his wife...

The account begins at age seven when he was first exposed to pornography to the time that he became a husband and father, with the responsibilities and turmoil in between. Pornography opened the door to anger and abuse. He traces the avoidable pitfalls and climb to success from the miry pit. His wife, Toni, chimes in with her thoughts amidst misery and confusion, and what brought her through to victory. She shares that through tears and prayers, the Lord showed her how to battle for her husband and future lineage. The book wraps up with the relevance of a life free of addiction, and the reason Jason fought so hard to be free: a marriage that is built upon intimacy, romance, and passionate connection.

Everyone who has been addicted, is addicted, or knows someone who might be addicted can find hope and have lasting victory. What was meant for evil, God used for good (Genesis 50:20). Together, Jason and Toni stand united. So can you.

Now is the time for you to claim the victory in your life! Strap on the armor of God and slay the wickedness in your midst! This is your commission, your mandate to go forth without fear, to hold your head up high, and to walk the remainder of your days in complete triumph!

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