NATO's Overreach? Lavrov Calls Out Attempt to Disrupt India-China Relations in Indo-Pacific Region

1 year ago

Sensational News | "NATO's Overreach? Lavrov Calls Out Attempt to Disrupt India-China Relations in Indo-Pacific Region" | #shorts #news

Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov has suggested that NATO has made efforts to disrupt India's relationship with China by attempting to expand their influence into the Indo-Pacific region. Lavrov denounced this move, emphasizing that NATO should focus on Europe rather than attempting to meddle in the affairs of Asia. He stated, "Their battle cry is the indivisibility of security in the Euro-Atlantic and Indo-Pacific regions. Mere wordplay," adding, "NATO is not limited to organising life on the European continent." It is clear that Lavrov believes that NATO is going beyond their original scope and interfering in matters outside of their jurisdiction.

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#NATO #Russia #SergeiLavrov #IndoPacific #EuroAtlantic #Interference #Meddling #IndivisibilityOfSecurity #Scope #Jurisdiction #India #China #Asia #Europe #cbcnews

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