Fundraiser Super Tzadik Film Series

1 year ago


Jewish Outreach for the Netflix Generation

There are a million classes and lectures available today to encourage the young generation to connect to their Judaism. The problem is that much of this content, however true and relevant, does not speak their language.
What is their language?
It is the same language that sends young Jews flocking to Netflix, Hulu and HBO. In a word, it’s the language of entertainment-- especially comedic entertainment!
The world of online entertainment, where so many young Jews spend over hundreds of hours every month, is safe to say, made up of 99.9% unkosher and impure content.
That’s where we come in. Our goal is to be the 0.1% of light in a world of darkness, violence, and vanity. As our Sages teach, it only takes one candle to light up an entire room full of darkness.
This is who we are. This is Team Aleph Media. We are the candle in a room full of darkness… or at least, we are striving to play our part… but we need your help, please! We can’t do this without you. We need to sustain our workers– for the good of all mankind.
The money we are raising is going towards all things needed to complete our first Team Aleph Media web-series; The Adventures of Super Tzadik.
More specifically what our first web-series will entail, and where the money is going: pre-production (writing and storyboards), cinematography, more equipment, video editing, special effects, music, costume and design, lighting manager, actors, audio recording, and sometimes we need to pay for our film sets.
Please consider making a contribution to this exciting new way of reaching the new generation!

More about our first web series:
An apprentice and his Rabbi go on a mystical adventure to retrieve a lost scroll that contains the secrets of the Final Redemption. Along their journey they meet blessed people that join their growing team of super Tzadikim. The team taps into the power and light of the Infinite on a difficult, dangerous journey fighting evil forces from the Sitra Achra, "the other side".

We already filmed the first test episode of 5 minutes, with near to zero budget, mainly our own time and resources. The second episode is written. Request the script here:
Our Inspiration:
Stories of Tzadikim and Sages are one of the most effective, inspiring and fun ways to learn Torah and Chassidus. We are a culture of story-tellers, lamp lighters and do-gooders. With the power of Hashem on our side, we can do immeasurable good in the world.

GOAL: To be a light in the world of primarily dark and empty online entertainment media.

PURPOSE: To share from the abundant wellsprings of our Torah, especially from the relatable, inner dimensions of Torah– kabbalah and chassidut. Even deeper, our purpose is to help people come closer to who they are meant to be in this life.

APPEAL: Torah-filled, quality entertainment. Look at the success stories of The Ten Commandments; The Prince of Egypt; and Joseph: King of Dreams.

ARTFORM: Live-Action Film in the form of an action-adventure comedy webseries. Watching a series is part of most people's day-to-day life. The Superhero genre is the most popular genre in Hollywood right now. Time to Make it ''Holy''wood! Complete with special effects, comic-book styling and epic music.

COMMERCIAL POTENTIAL: This type of Jewish content has never been done before and is completely groundbreaking. The high production value and fun, engrossing, comedic content can G-d willing attract a wide variety of viewers around the world.

PREVIOUS WORK: Super Tzadik Episode 1 (this series); and various film productions including commercials, documentaries, concerts, events and short Youtube films.

TALENT: Jewish Baale Teshuvas with experience and background in film production, comedy, Jewish meditation, and a flaming passion for Torah, kiruv and hastening the Final Redemption.

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