Trump Attends Hahn’s Execution !! & Defense Sec. Lloyd Austin Put Bounty on Gen. Berger’s Head ?

1 year ago

2 Stories for the price of one !! #1 Trump smirked. “This is outside my hands, and even if I could, I wouldn’t pardon you. You put yourself in big league trouble, tremendous trouble, and you’re a bigtime loser just like the others.” #2 The captive spook said the team carried a “directional acoustic weapon” that immobilized Gen. Berger as he tried to defend himself against the three remaining assailants. The general fought valiantly, emptying several more rounds before collapsing to the ground. Gen. Berger was put in a vehicle and driven off, while a standby “cleanup” team sanitized the area and removed all traces of the incident. His Ford F-250 was taken to a nearby auto crushing yard.

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