Heavenly love surpasses earthly love (Luke 11:5-13 Parable of the friend at midnight)

1 year ago

Heavenly love surpasses earthly love (Luke 11:5-13 Parable of the friend at midnight)
We spend a lot of time trying to prove our love to those around us; we shower them with gifts, let them know how much we appreciate them, and give our time to those we love most. I remember when Shawnna and I was dating, and things started to get more serious it seems like we would spend an hour trying to hang up with each battling over who loved the other one more. “I love you more, no I love you more, etc.” We eventually had to get a system in place where we did a countdown, 3-2-1, and said at the same time, “good night, I love you, bye” to get off the phone with each other because we both wanted to one up each other. In the parable of the friend at midnight, Jesus let us know that if we being corrupted by sin chose to show love and compassion to those we love, how much more will the Heavenly Father who is righteous show us His love. We may try to prove our love to those around us but when it comes to God, He does not have to prove anything, He has already demonstrated His love towards us all.
None of us deserve the love shown to us by God, because at one point we were all God’s enemies living in rebellion to Him, yet He still gave the life of His son to redeem us all. (Romans 5:8) We may be willing to lay down our life for our wife or kids, but would we lay down our life for someone who is our enemy, Jesus did. (Romans 5:7) Heavenly love does not know the boundaries that our earthly love does. He doesn’t walk away from us because we hurt His feelings, He does not divorce us because we cheated on Him, and He does not abandon us because we turn our backs on Him. Heavenly love is perfect love that knows no boundaries or limitations. “For God so loved the world, that he gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life.” (John 3:16) Perfect love makes a way to reconcile what is broken, it provides an escape from the judgement, and it is extended towards everyone. All we must do to have perfect love in our life is accept it, and the one who made it possible, Jesus Christ.

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