1/15/23 Cycle A – 2nd Ordinary – A Story of One Who Survived – Presented by Deacon Bob Pladek

1 year ago

A story is told about a grandparent and granddaughter walking along the beach. Whenever the granddaughter saw a starfish lying on the beach, she picked it up and threw it back into the sea.
Recognizing it an exercise in futility, the grandparent asked, “Why do you waste your time throwing the starfish back into the sea when there are thousands scattered all over this beach; it won’t make any difference?” In her response, the granddaughter picked up another starfish, threw it into the sea, and said, “It made a difference to that starfish.”
This week, marks the 50th Anniversary of Roe v Wade; a law that made it possible to eliminate 70+ million lives in our nation… a number so large that it approaches half the U.S. population back in 1973. Recently, some states have codified state-law protecting the right to abortion for any reason at any time, so why even talk about this issue, after all it won’t make any difference.
In today’s message I share a true story about one boy who miraculously escaped his abortion; may his story inspire us to reconsider the worth of each human life; it surely made a difference to him.

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