The Liars that lead us: LT. COLUMBO

1 year ago

Los Angeles Police Lieutenant Columbo caught his murderers in lies through his own.
treachery and his mastery of deceptive magic trick methods. Columbo bluffed and lied.

His disheveled appeared and disorganized, forgetful demeanor tripped up his suspects who underestimated his true cunning nature.

All is far in love and crime, and murder most foul.

CIA trained in NYC at NSSR:

Twice married with two adopted daughters.

On June 23, 2011 Peter Falk died just down the hill from Sharon Tate's murder at 1001 North Roxbury Drive, Beverly Hills 90210 in surveillance Benedict Canyon.

Wife number one: Alyce Caroline Mayo:

Wife Number Two: Sherry Lynn Kaminski

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