Infiltration of grass roots groups to divide and conquer

2 years ago

Most activist groups fail just before reaching their goals because of infighting. This division is purposful and done my people who pretend to have the same agenda, but are in fact paid agittors. Generally they target leaders of the movement or those seem to be most effective. Their strategy is to use whisper campaigns - she's trying to manipulate others, she wants all the limelight. She is not doing [whatever] for the group, but for herself and so on. An expert agitator will focus on any points of difference among group members and exaggerate them to create anger and jealousy. The group then starts to lose focus on achieving its original goals until it falls apart. You will be aware of the agitators when tbey start a hate campaign againt the leader or the most effective group members In short when they single out a member as an enemy.

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