1.18.23- THEFT, FBI C_A, GOV all worked to target TRUMP, Just the BEGINNING. PRAY!

1 year ago

Gen Flynn posted this on Twitter "Freedom is not free!" https://t.me/TheStormHasArrived17/12374

Kash warns that Joe Biden is not our target. The administrative state (the deep state) is the real target. The ENTIRE corrupt establishment. https://t.me/TheStormHasArrived17/12376

We will be seeing more and more of this as time goes on. What matters is how we choose to handle it when it happens. https://t.me/TheStormHasArrived17/12377

President Donald Trump notes the differences between the Presidential Records Act and the Federal Records Act and how then-VP Biden was bound to the later https://t.me/TheStormHasArrived17/12378

President Trump: “I’m fighting the Deep State and winning… I think I’m a very nice person, but if we’re gonna win, we have to be tough and we have to fight back… https://t.me/TheStormHasArrived17/12379

Kash Patel believes that the investigation into Biden’s classified docs actually started in the summer of 2022 https://t.me/TheStormHasArrived17/12388

Trump – Interesting to add “damp” – appears in just one drop – perfect 934 string. https://t.me/teamanons/20138

NOW - World Economic Forum declares a doomsday "planetary" and "justice" crisis. https://t.me/chiefnerd/6804

Orthopedic Surgeon Dr. Joel Wallskog Gets Emotional Explaining His Spinal Cord Injury From the Vaccine & Founding React19 https://t.me/chiefnerd/6802

🔥 Sen. Ron Johnson Discusses Nuremberg Trials & the “COVID Cartel” https://t.me/chiefnerd/6800

EMF Radiation Test Shows Sitting in an Electric Car is Like Standing Near a Running Microwave EMF Radiation Test Shows Sitting in an Electric Car is Like Standing Near a Running Microwave https://t.me/chiefnerd/6794

JUST IN — WEF2023: John Kerry Says the Only Way to Get to 1.5 Degrees of Global Warming is “Money, Money, Money, Money, Money, Money, Money” https://t.me/chiefnerd/6792

Philadelphia Flyers, Ivan Provov, is under fire for not participating in a Pride-themed warmup with his team last night. https://t.me/MistyG17/28511

Globalist child puppet Greta Thunberg “staged” her own arrest… https://t.me/vDarknessFalls/16663

Elon in the past day has now been shining Light on the satanic World Economic Forum & the 4chan https://t.me/vDarknessFalls/16660

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