Church of whores and sodomites

1 year ago

Woke churches are not churches at all but dens of thieves, they support Nazi Ukraine, wearing masks, getting the vaccines, allow sodomites to come in and push their wickedness on everyone, they support abortion murderers and killing babies, they are not Christians at all but lost people, God destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah for being haughty and arrogant, neglecting the poor, being wicked gays lesbians and trans and men having sex with men and women having sex with women and murdering each other, hating strangers and trying to rape two angels and lot and the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah got destroyed and all the people inside died except for lot and his family, his wife loved Sodom and looked back and turned into a pillow of salt and her soul went to hell, America is far worse then Sodom and Gomorrah, America loves the wicked gays lesbians and trans sodomites that push their wickedness on kids and parents are to stupid to care, and in churches to, kids do not need to know they are not male or female by a gross ugly gay sex doll that has purple hair and says they are a man and are a woman or a woman acting like a man!! Kids do not need to go to drag queens shows or gay sex parades, America loves idols to and in Boston there is a idol to Martin king and God hates idols and Martin king is just a man that is it nothing more, and abortion, murder, churches are so dead that there is nothing inside!! Get out of the dead churches or you will be swept away with the chaff, God will destroy all these wicked people and they will suffer His wrath, pride goes before a fall and sexually immoral people love their sin!! These are not churches but dens of thieves, whores and followers of Satan, and communion is for those who truly follow Jesus period and repented of their sins, were baptized and got the Holy Spirit!! Wicked and lost people are not allowed to take communion at all for they are still sinners and lost and have not accepted Jesus at all, any church that has communion in a woke casino church is mocking Jesus and He will not stand for it at all!! He will destroy these wicked woke devils and the churches will be shut down and burned down with God anger and the wicked so called pastors killed as God anger towards them!! You can't mock God at all you will reap what you sow, you rejected Jesus you will see Him as your Judge and He will not be nice to you, He doesn't care about your pronouns at all!! You will not defend yourself at the great white throne judgement it is set in stone and the judgement carried out, all your sins are told to you and you will be thrown into the lake of fire Because you rejected Jesus and your name is not found written in the Lamb book of life and God does not allow anyone who doesn't follow His Son Jesus into heaven and the New jersalem, no lost church people allowed and pastors, no abusers allowed, no sexually immorality allowed, no abortion murderers allowed, no thieves allowed, no one who is prideful allowed, no liars, drunkards, rich people who love money allowed, no one who mocks God allowed, no one who loves magic art's that includes yoga allowed, no one who sleeps with another man wife allowed, no self righteous church crowd that thinks they are good enough by going to church and doing good works allowed, no one who kills allowed, everyone who rejected Jesus will be at the great white throne judgement and it will be for all the lost unsaved wretched sinners who rejected Jesus from Cain to after the tribulation ends, church people will be there to and pastors oh who thought being a Catholic, Baptist was good enough and doing good works but never accepted Jesus at all, all the evil people from nimrod to fauci and Biden will be there and those who killed Christians and loved doing it, false prophets and teacher's will be there and woke pastors to, all abusers will be there, cultists like Jehovah witness, Catholics, Muslims, Mormons, seventh day Adventist, flds, church of Christ, church of Nazarene, all gangsters will be there, all murderers, liars, adulterers, sex offender's, rapists, those who said no I will party and accept Jesus later will be there, those who love yoga and magic art's and doing ghost hunting will be there, these are lost unsaved people and there is no going back for them, the door for salvation is shut in their face and they are told about everything they did alive and God will say Gabriel is the name Marcus cook written in the Lamb book of life? No Lord he is not found written, throw him into the lake of fire for I have never known him and he rejected my gift I gave of My son Jesus so get him out of My site, that will happen to all the wretched lost people and so called pastors and church going crowd, God hates the wicked and He will destroy them all and will judge them all and will get rid of them!! You rejected Jesus you still have God wrath on you and there is no second chance once you die you end up in hell then the great white throne judgement, hell is a jail cell for those who rejected Jesus and died unsaved, Satan loves these wicked whore houses, they are worshipping Satan and he loves it and laughs at the stupid people inside

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