Lord Monckton and UKIP. Bournemouth 14th Dec '13

1 year ago

This video is 'rescued' from Y Tube (One I made earlier) as is the following description:
1,927 views Dec 18, 2013
Lord Christopher Monckton was political adviser to Margaret Thatcher during her Government. In 2009 he joined the UK Independence Party and is now spokesman for their Energy Policy, and Climate Change. His immense academic command on the subject of climate change and wind farms makes him a champion of the Climate realism and anti wind farm cause. In this video he speaks on the UKIP and the growth of the party, in his inimitable style, with humour and straight talking. NO 'political correctness' in sight! Watch for his other video, to be uploaded soon, in which he presents to the Dorset UKIP many facts and figures showing the economic failures of Wind farms and following the Climate Change agenda the government is intent on forcing on us. In Dorset NAVITUS is planning the biggest ever WINDFARM offshore - along one of the most beautiful and treasured coasts in the UK. Disclaimer: The makers of this video do not necessarily agree with its content. It is offered for education and information.

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