AGENDA 21 30 - The ‘HERDING’ Of HUMAN 'Cattle'

1 year ago

This video is 'rescued' from Y Tube (One I made earlier)
This is a video from the mid 2000s, setting out the basic dangers of the infamous Agenda21 which is now Agenda30 /The Great Reset. It is instigated by the WEF now and the aim is to de populate a huge proportion of people on the planet, and enslave the survivors. Think this is from sci- fi land? Watch this video and research Agenda 30 urgently. The best defense we have is to just say NO and refuse to conform to their unlawful demands of us, We The People, the 99%
THE ORIGINAL DESCRIPTION: 90 views Jun 15, 2017
This is an uploading of a fellow You tubers video. It is an excellent resume of the Agenda21/30 impact on our everyday lives and hopefully I am helping to circulating widely. The UN Rio Earth Summit of 1992 kicked off the Global Warming scam in order to implement massive laws, rules and diktats that invade every facet of our lives now. The Control network is closing in fast as the Agenda 21/30 expands it's wide ranging mechanisms to implement a One World Government under the UN. Please research - there are excellent videos on You Tube (and Rumble) exposing this scam.-
Disclaimer: The makers of this video do not necessarily agree with its content. It is offered for education and information.

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