What to do if you get left behind

2 years ago

If you are left behind you need to repent now and accept Jesus, say Lord I was foolish for not getting ready for you and got left behind, forgive me all my sins and cleanse me and seal me with your seal and make me bold as I go thru the 7 year tribulation and if I am killed it will be ok, protect me, the antichrist will not waste any time at all taking power, he will destroy all the churches and bibles and will get rid of everything that he hates, he will say I am the Messiah bow down and worship me and get my mark, do not get the vaccine it is the mark of the beast and they will put a microchip in you and you belong to Satan forever, God will be pouring out His tribulation judgements, first will be breaking of the 7th seal and there will be silence in heaven for half an hour then the 7 trumpets will be sounded by 7 angels, water will be turned into blood and if you drink it you will die, demons will be stinging everyone who is not sealed by God for 5 months, huge earthquakes will happen, hail mixed with blood will fall to the earth, after the antichrist breaks the treaty with the Jews he will cause great persercution against the Jews and tribulation saints, then God will pour out His 7 Bowl judgements on everyone who worships the antichrist and got his demonic vaccine mark of the beast, this will be the end of the tribulation and will be the worst part of it, then Jesus will come with all His angels and saints and He will land on Mt olives and He will take the antichrist and false prophet and will throw them into the lake of fire, all those who worshiped the antichrist will be killed by Jesus sword and will be in the lake of fire to, Satan will be put in the bottomless pit for thousands years, after the rein ends , Satan will be released and will get all the wicked to rage war against God but will all be destroyed by fire from heaven and Satan will be thrown into the lake of fire, then the great white throne judgement will begin, you are either for Jesus or the antichrist, no middle ground at all for you and no one will care if you went to church or not, God is doing this to punish Israel, to get the lukewarm phony church crowd and pastors to decide between Jesus or the antichrist and to destroy the antichrist and all the wicked and punish them all, it will be the worst time for those left behind

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