a quick guide for running for political office this example is for city council person

2 years ago

Things to do and get at the county Clerk's office:
Fill out the Candidate Committees and turn in. You will also need to Fill out affidavit of identity and receipt of filing turn in to the City clerk's office.
Get the voters list for the last 5 PRIMARY ELECTIONS.

Break down the lists by Fives Fours Threes Twos and Ones
Five being a name that voted in the last five primary elections.
four being a name that voted in the last four primary elections.
Three being a name that voted in the last three primary elections.

Make sure you make contact with the Fives , Fours and Threes face to face and if you have time see the Twos and Ones.

Biggest piece of advice:
Do not waste your time with a non-voter.

Have a thick skin:
Not all people are going to agree with you. You may have a door slammed in your face.

Know your boundaries and what streets you need to walk.

If you get stuck pretend you got a phone call that's very important you have to take it and tell the person you're very sorry and give them your phone number or tell him to contact you on the website.

Door knocking:

Have your walking voter list and check off the voters as you see them with a number of contacts.

Always walk alone. Having another person with you may trip you up.

Practice your door knocking talking points.

Introduce yourself let them know what office you're running for and that you're walking through the neighborhood talking to people to find out what the biggest issues are for them. Try an keep conversation on local issues and the office you are running for.

People love to talk:
Let them talk don't agree with them just say something like yeah that's an issue that we need to deal with.

Never promise:
Never say you're going to do anything other than you're looking to the issue if elected.

As the council person you're the lowest man on the totem pole politically.

You can't get houses tore down it's not controlled by the council.

You can't get streets cleaned up it's not controlled by the council.

Really you can't do anything but make phone calls to the departments.

You don't need a sign in every yard. Look at your ward and determine the best location in high traffic areas.

Makeup literature so you have something to hand out to people. Business cards are always nice. You can get your face on one side and your name and some verbiage on the back of the business card. I wouldn't spend a crazy amount of money on literature it's only going to end up in the trash.

Facebook and a website linked to Facebook.

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