A Craft with a Contrail just Appears out of no where filmed by Les Durrant

1 year ago

I've recently met Les Durrant whose been sharing quite a few of his captures with the world through his Youtube Channel:


I asked Les for some of his footage so I could start having a look through it and I came across this capture and wanted to share it.

What I found most interesting is that this craft, plane, whatever - doesn't show up flying from the top of the screen down - instead it just shows up near the cloud with a contrail. In fact, the contrail can be observed slightly, before the plane/craft can.

Is this some kind of optical illusion being caused by the sun and the craft/plane's angle? I'm not quite sure.

I also don't have the ability to look beyond a few weeks of plane data in any location. The date time and location are the following:

AR. Searcy
July 5th 2021
Approximately 9:52AM as the video provided is around 10 minutes and started at 9:48AM per the file information.

If any of you do have the ability to look up whether a plane was overhead at this time, it would be greatly appreciated.

Les Durrant can be reached here:


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