AstroLee: January 2023: Mercury direct, & an Aquarian New Moon looks to the future #ep79

1 year ago

#MercuryDirect #AquariusNewMoon #astrology #January2023
#SunconjunctPluto #VenusconjunctSaturn #ChineseNewYear2023 #YearoftheRabbit #YearoftheWaterRabbit #lunarnewyear2023

Thursday 18 January.
Mercury Direct (8 Capricorn). Mercury is back to where he was on 13 December. Reviewing our goals, professional communications, renegotiating terms.
Sun conjunct Pluto (28 Capricorn). Transformational opportunities. Revealing unconscious motivations and behaviours. Hidden relationships and power dynamics unveiled. Soul level evolution. Ego processing. Clearing clutter.
Saturn (24 Aquarius) sextile Eris (24 Aries). New HF tech and communities help our authentic pioneering efforts.
Uranus (14 Taurus) sextile Pallas Athena (14 Cancer, retrograde). New strategic approaches.

Friday 20 January.
Sun into Aquarius until 18 February. Detached, scientific and intellectual approach. Idealism. Technological advances. Future-focused.

Saturday 21 January.
Super New Moon 1 Aquarius (conjunct Pluto, sextile Jupiter/Juno at 4 Aries, trine Ceres in Libra): Chinese Lunar New Year of the Water Rabbit. A much gentler year than the previous, fierce, year of the Tiger. Focusing on new and more conscious uses of technology, scientific experiments to understand our physical reality, choosing an intellectual focus. Committing to our groups, our communities. Pluto is still digging up skeletons, at the end of Capricorn. Trust in our expansive partnerships. Nourished by beauty.

Sunday 22 January.
Uranus Direct 14 Taurus. Retrograde since 24 August, the Awakener is delivering lightning bolts of understanding. Seeing how the seeds we have planted since Uranus entered Taurus in 2018 are growing. Uranus now separates from the North Node, and things become a bit more predictable as a result.
Venus conjunct Saturn (24 Aquarius). Art created that stands the test of time. Investing taken up. Crypto. Something is completed now, and something is committed to. Age-gaps in relationships. Futuristic art. Groups gel.
Mercury (9 Capricorn) trine North Node (9 Taurus) 3 (1: 15 Dec, 2: 13 Jan). Key communications, going over things one more time.

Tuesday 24 January.
Sun (4 Aquarius) sextile Jupiter/Juno (4 Aries). Futuristic plans work well in partnerships.

All planets are direct until 20 April: go for it.



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