The colluding between the pharmaceutical companies and the medical community

1 year ago

香草山医疗部的长阔高深医生 @mnyuan,在新中国联邦《喜健康 医学视角》节目中谈论,“制药公司跟医学界的勾兑一直很多年了。我们知道所有的随机临床试验都是制药公司赞助的。这种研究是非常非常昂贵的,要选择大量的受试者,然后要把他们分组,而且一定是很多中心同时做,要有一定的样本量。所以说一般情况下,如果没有一个很有经济实力的来赞助你,你是不可能做的。所以它这个目的实际上就是排除所有独立的临床研究的数据,就是一定要有随机临床试验,而且必须是这种大的制药公司来赞助。这样子就出现什么问题?就是话语权让他们给垄断了…”
About the colluding between the pharmaceutical companies and the medical community, it has been many years. We know that all randomized clinical trials are sponsored by the pharmaceutical companies. Such studies are very, very expensive, So, in general, without a powerful financial sponsor, this is impossible to achieve. So the purpose of this design is actually to exclude all data from independent clinical studies.

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