Female and egg-Part 1

2 years ago

Part1 香草山医疗部拥抱太阳医生 @embrancethesun,在新中国联邦《喜健康 医学视角》节目中讲述,女性保存卵子的大致流程,“女性从性成熟期以后,卵子大概在23~29岁最好。我个人建议(取卵)不要超过35岁。虽然现在女性普遍的健康状况很好,但激素水平不会变。到了一定年龄,比如30岁,女性激素的水平就会下降。因此,如果想提前保存卵细胞,尽量在30岁以前进行,这样比较好…”
After sexual maturity, the eggs of a female remain in their best condition between her 23 and 29. I personally recommend that (egg retrieval) be performed no more than 35 years old. Although women are generally in good health now, their hormone levels won't change at particular ages. Above certain age, such as 30 years old, women hormone levels will drop. Therefore, if you want to save the eggs in advance. It’s better-off you do it before the age of 30…

#女性 #female
#激素 #hormone
#卵子 #egg

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