Hack Deadlift (Behind the Back)

2 years ago

A hack deadlift is a behind the back deadlift that recruits lots of leg drive, quad use, and upper back. Start by standing in front of the bar with feet about hip width apart. Grab the bar with a double overhand grip (pronated) with hands directly below the shoulders (shoulder width apart). Wiggle your hips down pulling on the bar with your arms in an alternating fashion to get as tight as possible with the chest up and butt down. Take the “slack” out of the bar by trying to drive your feet through the ground and pulling the bar up before driving through the legs to stand up with the bar. As soon as the bar is at about calf height, shift the knees forward over the toes to avoid pulling the bar into your hamstrings. Continue driving through the legs until your upper back straightens out and your whole body is straight up and down. You may have a slight forward lean at the top as you now have a new center of mass which is slightly behind you. Lower the weight under control making sure to avoid lowering the bar into the back of your ankles.

Trainer Tip: If you are using very heavy weight make sure to brace your core hard for each repetition resetting your breath for each rep. If you are wearing a weight belt, try to expand the entire belt and not just the front when you are bracing.

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