THE SOURCE & THE LIGHT #divinelight

2 years ago



It is Boundless, It formless, Its timeless, It is ancient, It is mystical, It is omnipresent, It is omnipotent. It is beyond time and space, It is the source (GOD) that light & enlightens, sends & Transends far beyond this universe and any other universe that is a creation.

One way to Understand Divine Interaction is when looking in the mirror everyone sees a reflection. Each person is an individual and has unique facial features and finger prints. The all encompassing source 'The Divine' appears to each individual in a unique form specific to him or her. Your Religion, color, language, nationality or any other division does not come into it. All creation is in being by the Divine, in light of the divine. It does not fit in any philosophical mold and is not constricted within any one religion. It cannot be cut in half and cannot be restricted.

Divinity is the presence of the creator who views the world through his creations eyes in accordance to the perception of the viewer. It is you who create Him within yourself in any mold you design. When you think of Him, in accordance to your belief, an inner God appears within your thoughts and runs a parallel thought process within the thought process you are going through. This is because your inner God knows till what extent your thought process can process and absorb.

It is the beyond human capacity to grasp but it is also the one true presence that is always present and governing everything. You can call this religion if the word religion helps one grasp it as a concept.

Divinity has been present since the beginning of time. It cannot be described as being God because God cannot be pointed at nor can he be conceptualized in a sense of a being.

The path is made clear by the Divine by showing individuals his divinity in ones own grasp and understanding of God. It will lead all to the One and only truth by appearing in the individuals consciousness and understanding regardless of their religious sect.

In the lifespan of an individual, Divinity manifests itself from time to time, for example, when one has heartache or is left in pain and devastation, then the heart seeks a higher power. It is the Divine that is consoling the individual and it makes itself felt.

The path of divinity is unique to the ones who are chosen to be close to the divine. It cannot be attained through reading books but can be attained by rituals and practices. Let it be known that on this solitary path one will be remolded many times over. You will transition away from your normal existence. You will become detached from your own thoughts, so much so that you will not want to declare anything and begin to ponder on every thought as to the nature of it and loose its relevance and importance. Then you will begin the journey of a seeker and slowly loose your self slowly and gradually as Divinity dawns on you and you become aware of the Divine.

The essence of Divinity is to submit to the will of a high power. In Divinity you submit to the will of a higher power and leave everything to his will. If it is his will you will rise in status, then you will rise, but the opposite is also true that if it is his will that you drown on the path then you will drown. In both cases you have to be submerged pound for pound on this path.

The Divine will veil you in front of the world looking on at you and derive their own opinions about your state of existence. As one grows on this path of begins to attain Divinity thus one phenomena that manifests on you through and through you is that the Divine attributes begin to manifest on you.

#divine #god #allah

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