Nikola Tesla lose Nobel Prize for Synthetic Fertilizer to Haber-Bosch to Feed World (

1 year ago

Unlimited Fertilizer of Atmospheric Nitrogen by Nikola Tesla 1900 -- -- Artificial Scarcity ft Unlimited Energy & Fuel + Age of Abundance -- UN Food Program wins Nobel Prize 2020 as 957M Starve

Wikipedia Removes Nikola Tesla from Nitrogen Fixation: (Before) (After)

From "Problem of Increasing Human Energy, Nikola Tesla in 1900 "“There will be enough wheat and wheat products to feed the entire world, including the teeming millions of China and India, now chronically on the verge of starvation. The earth is bountiful, and where her bounty fails, nitrogen drawn from the air will refertilize her womb. I developed a process for this purpose in 1900. It was perfected fourteen years later under the stress of war by German chemists.”

A Tesla Coil and a Tesla Generator of High Frequency and High Tension is required for Nitrogen Fixation: This particular type of discharge is produced by an electrical current of high voltage and high frequency of oscillations or interruptions, not less than 1000 oscillations or interruptions of the current per second and preferably we employ from 10,000 to 100,000. In our experiments this current was produced by an oscillatory circuit and a Tesla coil but any other means of producing such a current is satisfactory.

Electrocatalytic Reduction of Nitrogen: From Haber-Bosch using Renewable Energy

The result illustrated makes it practicable to oxidize the atmospheric nitrogen in unlimited quantities, by the use of cheap mechanical power and simple apparatus. In this manner many compounds of nitrogen may be manufactured all over the world, at a small cost, and in any desired amount, and by means of these compounds the soil can be fertilized and its productiveness indefinitely increased.

A Full Chapter on Nitrogen Fixation and Unlimited Fuels from the Air using Nikola Tesla's Ozone Generator/s is in The Magical Inventions Of Nikola Tesla - E-book by Chris Edwards of (250 pages + 10 Downloads)

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