The Illinois Assault Weapon Ban Explained in Detail - What you NEED to Know.

2 years ago

The Illinois governor signed HB5471 SAF 3, 4, & 5 thus creating the Illinois Assault Weapon ban, yesterday January 11th. In this video, I explain everything you need to know. We lay out the timelines of when everything goes into effect, what is actually banned, how you may keep your banned items, and so on.

As things progress and law suits are filed, I will update THIS page on our website. Click here for the most up to date info about HB5471 and the Illinois AWB:

This video isn't a short one. We take a deep dive into the 100+ page law. Time stamps are below for your convenience.

Time Stamps:

4:40 Effective Dates
8:32 List of some banned items
15:20 Universal Background Checks
17:00 What to do with existing banned items
18:44 Exemptions (partial list)
21:21 Allowed Locations for Banned Items
21:53 Registration, Non-Compliance, etc...
22:54 Firearm Restraining Orders
24:03 Exemptions Part 2 (full list)
26:06 List of items banned by name

This new IL law bans most semi-automatic rifles as well as many semi-automatic pistols. The law:

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