Why would anyone think talking to aliens is Good?

1 year ago

Over the past few year. people like Steven Greer is coming out saying there are no bad aliens. Like he talked to any of them. He said we all need to talk to them. Caroline Corey thinks working with aliens is good. Nassim Haramein is trying to bring people on the Galactic CON -federation ship. Then people like Bashar say he is channeling an alien. Then you have Drunvalo Melchizdek saying he is going to bring the people from inside the earth out to meet us. Never happened.
The people saying these things have zero proof of anything they are saying. While they keep telling all the UFO people lie. Then we have the Gov working with aliens never saying a word about it.
Then the people that call themselves Experiencers say they met the GOOD Aliens.. Another programmed created by aliens to keep us from finding the real truth why they are here.

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