January 17, 2023

2 years ago

Returning home, 1234 pm, as I approach the entrance, two spies at 340 E, another one boarding the spy white van, the same as when I was exiting, a spy group smoking strong narcotics at the entrance, they placed themselves there at 1212 pm. These spies were smoking marijuana mixed with a potent substance, one inhalation and you feel dizzy, also, it hurts the lungs, as soon I noticed their presence, before approaching the entrance, I put on the three masks I always carry with me, because the spy agencies have employed in multiple occasions these potent toxins to impair my ability to deal with provocations. In addition, the spies use very strong toxins every day at my home, right now for example, therefore, because of the masks, plus the fact I am already pretty resistant to these toxic, I was able access my apartment without any incident.

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