Unleash the Power of God in Your Life: Overcoming Spiritual Warfare🙏😇❤️

1 year ago

Unleash the Power of God in Your Life: Overcoming Spiritual Warfare🙏😇❤️

Steps to Overcome Spiritual Warfare and be victorious over the Enemy
Recognize the reality of spiritual warfare. Understand that there is a spiritual battle going on around us and that we are not immune to it.

Put on the full armor of God. Ephesians 6:10-18 describes the armor we need to put on to withstand the attacks of the enemy. This includes the belt of truth, the breastplate of righteousness, the shoes of the gospel, the shield of faith, the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit (the Word of God).

Pray in the Spirit. Ephesians 6:18 tells us to pray in the Spirit at all times. This means to pray in tongues, which is a spiritual language that is not understood by the natural mind.

Read and meditate on the Word of God. The Bible is our weapon against the enemy. It is living and active and will help us to stand firm in the face of spiritual attacks.

Submit to God and resist the devil. James 4:7 tells us to submit to God and resist the devil, and he will flee from us. This means to yield our will to God and to actively resist the devil's attempts to control our thoughts and actions.

Seek the help of other believers. Hebrews 10:25 tells us not to give up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing. We need each other's support and encouragement to stand strong in the face of spiritual warfare.

Practice forgiveness. Forgiveness is an essential tool in overcoming spiritual warfare. Unforgiveness will open a door for the enemy to attack us.

Cultivate a spirit of gratitude and worship. When we are in a constant attitude of gratitude and worship, it helps to shift our focus from ourselves to God which helps to put the spiritual warfare in its rightful perspective.

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Read our Blog "The Christian Soldier, Ready For Spiritual Warfare!"

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