Requiem for a Sinner - Frank Marino & Mahogany Rush

1 year ago

He was born Francesco Antonio Marino on November 20, 1954 in Montreal, Canada. During those early days his experimentation with LSD would lead him to what was later to become the definition of his life. As a young person doing far too much acid, he couldn't really understand when it finally caught up with him and gave him such an incredibly vivid experience that was so overwhelming, that it landed him in the hospital. "This experience became the basis of everything that I was to do in music, including the name Mahogany Rush, which was a description I would use to describe a certain sensation that I was having on the trip.

Since this early drug experience later became known to the press that covered his career, and since he played much in the style of Jimi Hendrix. "The most often heard story is that I took an overdose and woke up from a coma in the hospital and somehow became the spirit of Hendrix, or that I met this spirit and it entered me, endowing me with this amazing ability to play a guitar and magically know everything about it. They never ask me the truth and when I told them, they wouldn't listen. The short truth about it is that I learned how to play guitar while recuperating from my trip. The guitar became a soothing help for me because of my great fear of letting my mind wander back into the trip. I had this trip while Hendrix was still alive and began to play his music because it matched perfectly to what I was going through at the time".

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