The Anthropogenic Climate Change Myth

2 years ago

Carbon dioxide is not causing detrimental changes to the Earth's climate. In fact, carbon dioxide is one of the building blocks of life, and we need more of it, not less. Plant life on this planet needs more than 1,000 ppm concentrations in the atmosphere to thrive, not the 400 ppm that we have now. Without enough carbon dioxide, you get desertification. Whole regions of the planet become barren wastelands, like the Sahara Desert became more than 5,000 years ago.
Secondly, one only need to look at the irrefutable science (Greenland/Antarctica ice core data) to see that what we are being told by mainstream science--that carbon dioxide causes global warming, and that it is warmer now than in the past, and that hydrocarbons are "fossil fuels" which are harming the Earth, are the Great Lies ever told to humanity These lies are being promulgated in order to consolidate political and economic power into the hands of the world's elite, while at the same time impoverishing everyone else and exterminating more than 80% of the people living on the planet.
The greatest cause of global climate change is, and always has been, the Sun, the oceans, and our planet's celestial location at any given point in time.

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