William Branham and the Magic Sword

2 years ago

In November of 1965, after convincing his cult of personality that he was the return of Elijah the Prophet from the Old Testament, William Branham openly declared that he was the promised return of Jesus Christ, in the form of the "Son of Man". As part of his Manifested Sons of God doctrine, Branham claimed that the Son of Man was to reveal himself through Elijah the Prophet and that the "Elijah Son of man" (himself) was God.

During the same sermon, Branham claimed that a magical sword was given to him while meditating and that a "Voice" (suggesting the Lord who sent him into Sabino Canyon), told him that it was "The sword of the King". When Branham asked the "Voice" why he had been given a magical sword, the "Voice" told him that the sword was actually "the Word" — suggesting that Branham's recorded sermons were from that point forward to be the equivalent of or superior to the King James Bible.

The story of the magical sword had been previously used by Branham's stage persona. In earlier versions of the story, however, Branham was not yet openly declaring himself to be the return of the "Son of Man" and the experience was not meant to be understood as literal. When the "Sword of the King" was introduced to his cult of personality in 1963, Branham claimed that his experience was most likely during a trance or possibly even a dream.

You can learn this and more on william-branham.org

The Magical Sword:

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