How to Start a Compost Bin in Your Backyard

1 year ago

Composting is a great way to turn food scraps and yard waste into nutrient-rich soil for your plants. Not only it helps reduce the amount of waste that ends up in landfills, but it also helps to create a more sustainable environment. In this video, we will show you how to start a compost bin in your backyard.

Tip 1: Choose a location
The first step in starting a compost bin is to choose a location. You will want to find a spot in your backyard that is convenient for you to access, but also out of the way of foot traffic and not too close to your home.

Tip 2: Decide on a type of bin
Next, you will need to decide on a type of bin for your compost. You can choose from a variety of options such as plastic or wooden bins, or even make your own out of wire fencing or pallets.

Tip 3: Add your materials
Once you have your bin set up, it's time to start adding materials. You can add a combination of "green" and "brown" materials to your compost. "Green" materials include food scraps, grass clippings, and fresh leaves. "Brown" materials include dry leaves, straw, and sawdust. Make sure that you have a balance of greens and browns, and aim for a ratio of 30 parts brown to 1 part green.

Tip 4: Turn and add water
To keep your compost healthy, you will need to turn it regularly with a pitchfork or compost aerator. This will help to aerate the materials, and also helps to speed up the composting process. Also, you will need to add water to your compost to keep it moist, but not too wet.

Tip 5: Harvest your compost
It typically takes about 3-6 months for your compost to fully break down, depending on the size of your bin and the materials you've added. Once your compost is ready, it should be dark, crumbly and have a rich, earthy smell. You can now use it to amend your garden beds, or as a mulch around your plants.

Starting a compost bin in your backyard is an easy and effective way to reduce waste and improve the health of your garden. By following these tips, you can have your own compost bin up and running in no time. Remember to choose a location, decide on a type of bin, add your materials, turn and add water, and harvest your compost. Happy Composting!

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