Work Gloves For Different Jobs: Gloves For Electricians

2 years ago

There are TONS of gloves available on the market these days. You have old school standard leather work gloves, rubber insulated gloves for working with live electrical parts, even tactical gloves! Let’s face it, for us tradesmen (and women) our hands are how we make a living, and we need to protect them from the damages of our everyday work environments! In the latest episode of Electrician U, Dustin explores some of the gloves that are available to us.

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The first types of gloves we are exploring are standard latex (or nitrile) type gloves. These gloves are great for using in a finish environment where we don’t want to get our smudgy fingerprints all over things; so, for trim out, installing light fixtures or working where fresh paint is on the walls.
A newer type of gloves are the cut resistant, tight fitting foam type gloves. These are great for standard everyday usage. Lightweight and disposable after a few wearing’s, these gloves are the go-to for most of us tradesmen these days. The higher the ANSI number, the more cut resistant the gloves are. However, the more cut resistant they are, typically that makes them a bit stiffer and less nimble on your hands!
The next glove Dustin talks about are form fitting Electricians Gloves available from Klein Tools. A hardy pair of work gloves that are great for all environments. From pulling wire to installing boxes in metal/wood frames walls to installing light fixtures, this type of gloves honestly works great for anything! Definitely more flexible than the older leather gloves, but slightly less than the foam type gloves we spoke about above. A slightly different version of the Electrician Gloves are the wire pulling gloves. Much the same as the electrician’s glove, but the INSIDE of the hands are provided with a surface that Grips materials much easier. If you were pulling cable all day, working with a fish tape, or installing Romex, these gloves would provide protection for your hands and help you grip the materials better!
A standard pair of leather gloves is more of a preference type gloves. Some of the newer models are much more form fitting than leather gloves of old! Great for everyday usage, and as leather tends to last a bit longer, they offer great protection for the hands for standard work environments.
Impact type gloves are great to use if you are using tools where your hands are going to take a beating! Like swinging a hammer all day, or using a jackhammer, or anything where your hands are going to impact into another surface constantly. They are reinforced with extra padding in the palms and on the digits to protect your hands and built much beefier to withstand the abuse. Keep in mind that what you are gaining in protection, you will lose a bit in mobility
The last pair of gloves to talk about are hot work gloves. These gloves are actually two different gloves worn at the same time. A thick rubber glove is worn next to the hand to protect US against electrical shock, and then a leather over glove is worn on top of that to protect the rubber portion from getting damaged thus negating the electrical protection. We use these gloves when working in an energized environment and nothing else. We must also get these gloves tested as they will degrade over time and offer less protection. We must also protect these gloves from damage, so they tend to be put back in their own protective case when done. They are the least dexterous of all the gloves as they are so thick (and they are worn as two pairs!!) so be prepared for that!
We hope this has been informative and helpful in choosing some gloves to protect your hands! Continue to follow Dustin and Electrician U as we are constantly adding new content to help our followers. But watch the video first, like it, subscribe if you haven't yet and leave a comment! Definitely leave a comment about the amazing thumbnail.

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