The Milgram Obedience Study and What It Reveals about Human Nature -- Has Everyone A Monster Inside Of Them?

1 year ago

“Everyone is a moon, and has a dark side which he never shows to anybody.” ~ Mark Twain
One of the most interesting and influential experiments in the psychology world belongs to Professor Stanley Milgram, a psychologist at Yale University.
In May 1962, Yale University psychologist Stanley Milgram conducted his famous series of experiments widely known as Obedience Study, now 60 years ago. The ethics of the experiment have since been subject to criticism. However, it raised important questions about the power of authority in achieving obedience.
In his study, Stanley Milgram focused on the conflict between obedience to perceived authority and personal conscience. In fact, he wanted to produce a common explanation for the Nazi killings during the Second World War. With this purpose, he designed a setting where a participant acted as a teacher, read bits of information and then asked questions to a subject. The participant had to give a punishment, increasing amount of electric shocks, each time the subject failed to answer the question. The experimenter was giving a series of orders to ensure that participant continued the experiment.
In reality, the subjects were actors and pretending as if they were receiving the shocks. Little discomforts at the beginning were turning into screams and in some cases, the subject was begging the participant to quit. In the end, all participants administered shocks up to 300V. Even worse, 65% of them administered the highest voltage of 450V (danger – severe shock).
This experiment highlighted a dark aspect of the human nature, that appears to be dormant in the vast majority of populace, most of the time, but that is ready to be called upon by perceived authority. That is to say, the populace have a potential to turn into merciless executives under perceived authority. Something that we have been -- openly and publicly -- able to witness, once again, over the past 3 years, where the corporate globalist cabal crime syndicate operated, so called "governments", have been the perceived authorities, engaged in unlawfully usurping the freedoms of movement and freedoms of choice from the human populace masses, as well as instigating the subjected masses to engage in a mass murder experiment with the Cov-ID injections, and peer-pressuring their peers into subjecting themselves to doing the same.
Scientists also discovered that some of these humans were not obedient to the perceived authority under all circumstances. For example, some participants refused to administer higher shocks when the perceived authority figure was weak or when there were two perceived authority figures, conflicting with each other. Explaining why the corporate globalist crime syndicate, that rules the minds of the populace today, are indoctrinating & brainwashing their indoctrinated & mind controlled, so called "leaders", to be authoritative figures. Something three WEF brainwashed corporate executives, Justin Trudeau of the Canada globalist corporation, Scott Morrison (2018–22) of the Australia corporation, and Jacinda Ardern of the New Zealand globalist corporation, have been demonstrating splendidly.
HUMAN FARMING - The Story of Your (OUR) Enslavement - Stefan Molyneux
To learn more about the true & UNLAWFUL nature of the CORPORATE, so called "governments" and the unlawful corporate regulations and rules they create and issue, please watch the following videos as well.
What people around the world MUST FINALLY come to understand, is that NO ONE OF US even have to CARE what these corporate clowns like Gates, Schwab, and/or any other of these so called "leaders" and their CORPORATE MASTERS OPERATING IN THE SHADOWS, whom they serve, want! ALL so called "governments" are CORPORATIONS, just like any other corporation, like the WHO and the WEF. And not a single corporation in the world has LAWFUL jurisdiction or authority over ANY LIVING HUMAN being.
This is the key folks.. This contemporary human system does NOT recognize you as a living human being, but as the legal "person"! I.E. the name on the "birth" certificate. This name on the "Birth' certificate is a dead corporate legal fiction, and so long as you identify as and with this dead corporate legal fiction, that is owned by the corporate & privately owned globalist central banking crime syndicate controlled, corporate "governments", so long do you accept to be recognized by them as this dead corporate entity, that they own and can do with whatever they want. Educate yourself on this and DELIVER yourself from the slavery system!
The globalist corporation, that is referred to as "the state" owns the fraudulent enslavement contracts, called "Birth" certificates. The name on "your" "Birth" certificate, is a corporate LEGAL FICTION. This all has nothing to do with law, as this whole Vatican CQV Birth trust swindle is ENTIRELY UNLAWFUL. No one of us must comply with this corporate scam! This whole CovID scam is still running, ONLY because virtually NO ONE of the global populace understands anything of this scam. NEVER identify with "the person", for that is the dead corporate fiction, the LEGAL entity, owned by the PRIVATE central bankers "state". Every time you identify as that "person", you acknowledge to be owned by the "state", and you submit yourself to their corporate statute laws. And NEVER CONTRACT with any of the corporate state branches, such as cops, courts, or whatever corporate lackey in the LEGAL system! Legal is NOT lawful. Legal has nothing to do with Common Law, or Criminal Law, or International Law. The LEGAL system is corporate law, STATUTES, statute law. And statute law is contract lawl NO CONTRACT, MEANS NO OBLIGATION FOR ANYONE! So long as you do NOT contract with them, they have NO-THING on you, and they have NO LAWFUL authority on you. ALL of this is established under INTERNATIONAL law. And International law supersedes/surpasses ALL & EVERY "national" corporate "governments" law!
Know what you are, and stand your ground!!
🎥 Watch: David Icke: “Common Law Is the Real Law of the Land”. Understand & Disconnect Yourself From the Deceit of Statute Law
🎥 Watch: Concise & Essential Excerpt, taken from the video “David Icke: “Common Law Is the Real Law of the Land”. Understand & Disconnect Yourself From the Deceit of Statute Law"
Understand UCC Maritime Admiralty Law & Liberate Yourself From Commercial Globalist Enslavement
🎥 Watch: THE LEGAL FICTION: The Nature of the Cage That We ALL Can & Must Walk Away From. END GLOBAL SLAVERY!
🎥 Watch: Pandemic is the New Eufemism for Financial Coup & the Radical Engineering of Global Governance
🎥 Watch: Central Banks: The use of sovereign immunities and secrecy to engineer a global coup - Deliverance from Deceit 2022

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