159:Ronin Heist Linked to NoKo hackers::Amazon Might Sell NFTs::Tepid Reception for Crypto in Paris

2 years ago

Heya cryptozens

Tonight’s Stories:

Ronin Heist Linked to NoKo hackers
Amazon Might Sell NFTs
Tepid Reception for Crypto Activism in Paris

It’s 10 PM Pacific time and the date is April 14th, 2022. And welcome back to the Crypto Overnighter. I am your host, Nick. The cover model for this podcast is Tex and together we take a nightly look at the crypto, nft and metaverse space and the industry that surrounds it. We’re here to bring you the crypto news analysis you need to start your day.  And keep in mind, nothing in this show should ever be considered financial advice. 

Every night I talk about the sales volume of nfts. And every night, I tell people that to be careful. Prices are volatile. Do your own research. Here’s a good example of volatility. A little more than a year ago, in March of 2021, Jack Dorsey, then CEO of Twitter, auctioned a NFT. THe NFT was on the valuable platform run by Cent. Cent is a blockchain powered Social Media network.

It was his first tweet. “Just setting up my twitter”.

That’s right. Jack Dorsey’s first ever tweet. And it was sold to a crypto entrepreneur. A guy named Sina Stavi bought it for 16 hundred and 30 eth. Now I’m looking at the listing on OpenSea and it’s a whole lot less than 16 hundred and 30 ethereum.

At the time, it was purchased for 2.9 million dollars. Right now, it’s sitting at 3 point 9 eth. Not quite eleven thousand dollars. So that’s almost a three million dollar drop in value.

Estavi is the chief executive of Bridge Oracle, a blockchain company. And he’s said he’ll never sell the NFT unless. Unless he receives a high bid. Now at the time, he didn’t say how much was a high bid. He did seem to have a potential buyer in mind, though.

He retweeted a tweet that suggested quote

Maybe Elon will buy it

He’s said when he announced the sale on April 6th, he was anticipating 25 million or more from the sale. He was offering half the proceeds to go to charity and half to go to bridge oracle. He may have changed his mind since then.

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