Town Bicycle, Married Female Officer Sleeps with 6 Men

1 year ago

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Town Bicycle

I came across a story of a women caught being HOE.
It happened to be a cop. In reality, the fact that she was a police offer has nothing to do with the story
This is no excuse for her behavior.
I respect an officer who is doing right
That I can understand and truly appreciate
Other than the fact that it is a terrible idea to shit where u eat and that is her place of work; which is obvious.
The fact that a man felt bad and informed his wife of the indiscretions was the only reason the story broke out.
The idea that someone broke the silence, I do not view as the real issue.
The issue I see was that it happened to be a man who was the one who felt bad and told his wife.
I have yet to see a story where the women was the one who regretted the act and broke silence in this fashion.
I am sure it has happened, but the women code is strong.
Allowing even the vilest activities to continue, despite your moral or religious ideas.
By default, you are contributing to the behavior.
The men who contribute to this act of pure disgust are not innocent.
This is not just a situation of an office or legal issue.
Just an act of pure indiscretion.
Now the men are being taken down as if they forced themselves upon the women.
I really do not believe they should lose their jobs since it was consensual.
It just was not a case of them taking advantage of her; she was pushing this behavior.
Her bahavior creates a cesspool of stench.
The issue I have is the husband of this town bicycle was married, and her husband is sticking by his wife who clearly did not respect him, or care about the bond of marriage.
This degree of consciousness is vile.
This in itself is disgusting.
It says a lot of the thought process of the West.
The fact that he happens to be Catholic is no excuse.
I am a Catholic, so I know it does not excuse the husband in this to continue this charade.
If he had any self-respect, he should nullify the marriage and go straight for divorce.
That women will forever be tarnished and should very well deserve that title of a slut, with no morals, and should never be married again by any man with any self-respect.
He being a Catholic does not mean he should be okay and allow that from her spouse.
It is through thick and thin, but the moment she steps out of that bond and defiles her body by sleeping with another man; that bond is broken.
It is over!!!!
Especially the town bicycle.
The bible states clearly that your wife is a part of you.
You are one flesh.
If that part of your flesh causes you to sin, then you should cut off that part.
It is better to go to heaven with one eye than to enter the gates of hell for eternity.
That is not verbatim, but you get the idea.
Marriage is and should be a very sacred bond.
The fact that we live in a climate where that behavior is being allowed and rewarded in any arena amazes me.
Why get married at all in terms of a government certificate if that is the case.
They have broken the bond of marriage.
Under God it is for life, not just a contract, but a literal part of your flesh and blood.
The husband must cut that bond as if it was his own flesh.
She clearly broke her vows.
She clearly did not respect him.
She clearly belongs to the lowest level of any species.
She is the town bicycle and belongs to a sub sect of trash.
Pure and simple.
Bye marriage and she should never marry again.
That man needs to go through a grieving process and move on with his life.
His marriage is over in the eyes of GOD.
If he chooses to remain in that situation and side by her after that, then he is clearly doing it in a secular world that is quite clearly broken in every sense of the word.
Why create a lifelong bond if you lose respect to that level.
That is not even a religious viewpoint, just a basic right of passage.
She nasty.
She gutter.
Men are messing it up for men, if they know that their homie is doing this and allowing this foul behavior and not saying anything to them.
Women are double wrong because their boxes are being tarnished for life.
They are never going to be the same.
Forget para bonding.
What about even a small degree of self-respect?
Men need to step up their game as well; foul behavior is foul behavior.
You are not a strong man if you know you are messing around with a married woman.
Women are double wrong for acting upon that behavior and women should be checking their female counterparts; they are creating an environment that makes you all you look bad.
Do you really want to be that kind of women.
Have even a little class.
Class is in now dismissed.

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