1 year ago

What do you do when the very people you are supposed to be having compassion for and feel obligated to try n help as humans.. are literally trying to kill you, the world around them, themselves and the very sanity that holds our society together. What do you do with those that have turned evil, been taken over morally and are now weaponized against you. They've filled those empty heads with violent rhetoric, fear and rampant drug use with toral.disregard for humanity whatsoever. I mean, just totally destructive souls. And what do we do when we realize the cabal truely has a point. All they did was open the door and introduce vile filth a d people took to it like a fish to water proving beyond any doubt that there truely is an apparent need for societal hygiene and pushing, again apparently, the cleansing of some of these humans we have here that have chosen this path of complete destruction and lawlessness in America and the rest of the world. How do we repair society with these people in it? Or do we?

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