Soul Speak # 67 (Jan 30/21) My Unconventional Way To "Meditate" - When I wasn't Looking, I Found It

2 years ago

You know, to this very day I have no clue on how to “do” #meditation properly. Anything I try to “do” with conscious #intention , even intending to “still myself in quietness” has the fingerprint of my #ego all over it.

This pattern followed me from the days when I “practised #obedience to the #commandments in the Bible”… it was always something I needed to “do” (#fast , #pray , #read and have #devotions ). I failed at all of it.

I literally “stumbled” into #god in total “unawareness” and began hearing His voice (thoughts, intuition, inspiration) while being occupied with menial tasks such as washing dishes, taking a shower, gardening, sleeping…anything that did not require me engaging my intellectual (logical) mind.
Perhaps this is the simple secret behind the mystery of the word "meditation", the disengagement of the logical mind?!

#renegademusings #soulspeak #hearinggod #hearinggodsvoice #hearingfromgod #hearingfromthemaster #godsvoice #howtoheargod #howtoheargodsvoice

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