Ask, Knock, Seek!!!! (Luke 11:5-13 Parable of the friend at midnight)

1 year ago

Ask, Knock, Seek!!!! (Luke 11:5-13 Parable of the friend at midnight)
At the beginning of each year something strange happens, and people decide that it is time for things to change in their lives. Some make resolutions, others start exercise and diet regimes, and then there are some who simply choose a moto to live by and guide them for that year. As I read verses 9 and 10, I could not help but think that the world of Christians would be so much better if we adopted the motto of Ask, Knock, and Seek for our prayer life. As we are at the beginning of 2023, what if we decided that we were not going to go another day failing to ask God for what we need, failing to walk past closed doors in our life without knocking on heaven’s door first, and failing to seek the truth from the truth giver, God. This parable of Jesus is an open request for us to never deal with anything on our own anymore and to make God a regular part of our life. He is inviting us to fellowship with heaven whenever we want or need to.
1 Thessalonian 5:17 tells us that the norm for a Christian should always be in conversation with God, “Pray without ceasing?” Why then has the prayer life of so many become needs based driven instead of a form of continual fellowship with God. We pray when we fill like we have no other option, or we give God the first and last ten minutes of our day because that is what we were taught by our parents. The life of a believer should be one of continually asking God what His plan for our life is, continually knocking on closed doors to see if God wants us to walk through them, and continually seeking the truth of God as we live in a world of lies. God loves His creation and wants to walk side by side with us in life everywhere we go, God does not want to be a 911 dispatch operator that only hears from you when everything in life is falling apart. Will he answer the 911 calls? Yes, he has many times in my life, but the fact remains many 911 calls to God would not need to be made if we were Asking, Knocking, and Seeking in our prayer life continually. He wants a relationship with us were we are in continual conversation with each other and communication is flowing in both direction, from earth to heaven and from heaven to earth.

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