True Romance SPOILER FREE REVIEW | Movies Merica

2 years ago

Elvis. Gun battles. Comic books. Rollercoasters. Mobsters. Romance. Mix 1 part Christian Slater, 1 part Patricia Arquette and strain. This movie has the whole enchilada. Check out Van Ebert reviewing this star-studded, under-appreciated masterpiece of this Quentin Tarantino-penned kinetic, frenetic action/romance.

In Detroit, Clarence Worley (Christian Slater) goes to the movie theater alone on the day of his birthday to watch some movies. The gorgeous Alabama Whitman (Patricia Arquette) accidentally drops her popcorn on Clarence and they watch the movie together. Later they go to a diner for pie, and end up having a one night stand. In the morning, Alabama confesses that she is a call-girl hired to spend the night with him, but she has fallen in love with him. In the morning they get married and Clarence goes to the club where she worked to bring her some clothes. However, her pimp Drexl Spivey (Gary Oldman) and his partner beat up Clarence and he reacts by killing them both. Clarence asks for Alabama's suitcase with her clothes and the other girls mistakenly give another one with cocaine. When Clarence discovers the mistake, he decides to travel with Alabama to the house of his friend, the aspiring actor Dick Ritchie (Michael Rapaport), to sell the drug and travel to Mexico. He visits his father Clifford Worley (Dennis Hopper) and gives his address to him. But the Sicilian Mafia is the owner of the drug and a group of killers are sent to hunt down Clarence and Alabama. Val Kilmer, Brad Pitt, Christopher Walken, Samuel L. Jackson, James Gandolfini, and Tom Sizemore round out this amazing Tony Scott directed, Quentin Tarantino written Romantic Crime Drama.

Hope to see y’all here every week!!

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All Audio Content Recorded/Produced by:
Van Ebert
All Video Content Produced?Edited by:
Ian Avina of Til Death Studios
IG: @tildeathstudios (

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#TrueRomance #Review #ChristianSlater

#PatriciaArquette #AlabamaWhitman #Alabama #ClarenceWorley #DrexlSpivey #GaryOldman #DickRitchie #MichaelRapaport #ClifordWorley #DennisHopper #ValKilmer #BradPitt #ChristopherWalken #SamuelLJackson #JamesGandolfini #TomSizemore #TonyScott #QuentinTarantino #Romance #Romantic #Crime #Drama #CrimeDrama

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