REVERSE SPEECH - Adrian Fontes the New SOS of AZ

1 year ago

He is a Bernie Sanders "Democratic Socialist" or as we in the hills like to call it a Communist. He is asked about the integrity of the Midterm AZ election. He knows it was the size of the image on the ballot and confirms this in the reverse speech analysis. He also confirms a few other interesting tidbits. The reporter mentions something about the Bush Crime Family either he is up against them or he is working with them. At this point would anyone be surprised at either.

Adrian also admits that Hobbs Maricopa Crime syndicate put a certain type of person into his position (SOS). Rhymes with ED O.

This is ultimately about using the ERIC database to attack voters by region and cast or use information illegally.

#AdrianFontes #SecretaryOfState #2020Election #VideoContent #GatewayPunditJournalist

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