Helping Parents and Teens Avoid Making Destructive Decisions

1 year ago
1 mission is to provide students with the best prevention tools possible to deal with the issues of underage drinking, drug use, eating disorders, consent, impaired driving and other destructive decisions.

Rick Birt serves as the President and CEO of SADD, Students Against Destructive Decisions at a national level. Rick Birt provides perspective for parents on best practices for helping their teens succeed. A SADD alumni himself, he has over a decade of prevention experience.

Rick sets and implements the long term direction for SADD, empowering the millions of students in which they serve. An expert in the matters of youth health and safety, Rick Birt has authored several publications that feature SADD’s unique form of a peer-to-peer approach that is vital to creating lasting behavior change in youth.
#student #teens #parenting #teensupport #eatingdiscorders #consent #destructivebehavior #behavior #teentips

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