WEF hires unvaccinated pilots to fly them to Davos: 'Safety of our members is top priority'

1 year ago

WEF hires unvaccinated pilots to fly them to Davos: 'Safety of our members is top priority'

Klaus Schwab has banned vaccinated pilots from flying members of the World Economic Forum to and from Davos because of the safety risk they pose.

According to reports, WEF members are being flown exclusively by unvaccinated pilots to the 2023 conference in Davos, Switzerland.
Josh Yoder, the head of the U.S. team. Freedom Flyers, an anti-vaccination pilot group, told pilot Alan Dana that they are getting inquiries from the Davos elite interested in hiring unvaccinated pilots to fly their business trips.

"He's now getting calls from wealthy businessmen and companies to fly their executives on commercial jets with unvaccinated crew," Dana said on "Maria Zeee Uncensored" this week.
Infowars.com reports: "They have the luxury of being able to choose because there are still large numbers of crews in the United States who are not vaccinated because the companies they work for did not mandate it."

"These wealthy businessmen require unvaccinated crew on their business trips," added Dana. "Airline passengers who have purchased a ticket do not have that luxury."
Almost all major airlines in the US in 2021 mandated the experimental COVID vaccine for pilots and crew, leading dissident pilots to form the US organization Freedom Flyers.

Two years later, emerging data and an increase in documented cases of people “suddenly dying” after receiving the COVID-19 mRNA vaccine appear to have the elite reconsidering who is flying them around the world.

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