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Dr Robert Malone: In His Own Words

2 years ago

"A courageous streak of idealism and stubborn integrity pitched Dr. Robert Malone off the giddy heights of the Medical Cartel. Stranded in the wilderness, he has emerged as the most important prophet for medical freedom, public health, and civil rights." ~ Robert F. Kennedy Jr.

Dr Malone's insights into the government side of the Covid story have proven essential to providing perspective on the events that have shaped our recent lives. This is PANDA's full interview of Dr Malone, recorded as part of our Deafening Silencing series on censorship, where he not only speaks about his censorship, but also about his life and his work in the public eye.

Read more at https://www.rwmalonemd.com/
Dr Malone writes at https://rwmalonemd.substack.com/

Watch PANDA's Deafening Silencing series at https://www.pandata.org/deafening-silencing/

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