My Brief Review of a brand new E-Flite UMX Timber X RC Airplane

1 year ago

I generally have pretty good luck with E-Flite RC aircraft. They are a good quality product and I own quite a few of them. This poor thing showed up right around Christmas and I had so many things going on with my family and the holidays.

I am a huge fan of the UMX Timber. I flew my original a bunch, repaired it when needed it and got my money's worth out of it when all was said and done. The airframe was finally retired and will end up being the guts another aircraft in my "top secret spare parts mini warehouse of E-Flite parts" to build something else that will fly. I have a quite a few discontinued older models I can choose from.

I had one good flight of the UMX Timber X. It was late in the day and I got impatient and opted to fly it without figuring out the flap system. I believe that my battery got loose on my second flight and I was so low and when I got distracted talking to the guy walking down my sidewalk, flying over my house, that was it. I was in the Mulberry tree.

On my last flight, I was distracting again talking to my neighbor across the street. He is a sweet kid and asks lots of questions. I wasn't paying close attention to my aircraft and didn't get to drop down low enough to clear the cable of death that crosses the street and the trees that magnetically draw all flying things to rest in their branches. I stayed out of the trees, but when I looked back at the poor UMX Timber X, I was committed to impact. That was it.
Another quick shout out to the fine folks at Asurion. This airplane was insured and after the claim was filed and the damaged aircraft was returned to them in exchange for a $169.99 Amazon gift card which was promptly "reinvested" into a new purchase. This time, a 2nd UMX Twin Otter. I have one to fly, and the second will be "re-purposed" for the electronics for a custom UMX B-25 Mitchell bomber which should be much better than the original aircraft. I got plenty of spare parts for those in stock. After that? I'm looking at my UMX B-17 Flying Fortress protect. I have a things to figure out on that one. William Flying39

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