
1 year ago


By Pastor Gary Wayne

Text: Proverbs 14:4, Psalms 85:6-7

What is revival? What does it look like?
Growing up in the “church world” often different churches would announce they were having a revival starting next week. That’s not what I mean.

That is basically having church services every night for a week. But a weeklong session of church doesn’t necessarily bring revival.
The definition of revive = to restore to life or consciousness.

There are a lot of different definitions, but overall what I am intending to mean is when God moves in a season of powerful presence. The Holy Spirit manifests (makes known) Himself in ways that is an obvious God thing.

I see revival as God’s church restored to life, and there is a fresh renewed love for Jesus.

People are freshly aware of God’s presence, consequently, culture changes.

The OT teaches us that God wanted His fire to burn on the altar, but it was the responsibility of the priests to keep it going.

God lit the fire – it started from Him, but His people were to keep the fire going.
If you remember one time the priests let the fire go out, and they tried to start it on their own. Lev.10 calls it “profane fire” and God killed them.
We can’t manufacture religious activity and pretend it’s from God.

A bottom line explanation of what I think, revival is a move of God that changes an individual towards God - that affects a church - that affects a city - that impacts a nation.

I think a move of God brings reformation to the culture for change.

When you have tasted the real – the presence of God, your heart longs for that.
Rev.19:10b “…For the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy.”
Testimonies = do it again God!

Why are so many of us willing to settle for a Sunday morning experience?
One of my life goals is to be good at loving Him – knowing Him.
But this close relationship we seek with God is reserved for those who treasure God above all things.

We can’t dabble in God and live mostly for ourselves.
The treasures of God, intimacy with Him, the riches of His kingdom are available only to those who treasure Him above all things.

Phi.3:13-14 “…I press toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus.”
Ver.12 “…I press on, that I may lay hold of that for which Christ Jesus has also laid hold of me.”

Gary Wayne’s version – “Where there is no revival, the manger is clean.”
When you experience the move of God, you need a shovel, because it can be messy.

I have been around this many times in my life, and in my ministry.
When God moves, it can get messy.

When there is a move of God, you will also see a move of flesh.
One person rejects what is happening because it doesn’t fit into my nice box of order.

The next enjoys the manifestations so much they fixate on that and sometimes fake it.

Then there are those who give themselves TOTALLY to God.

Don’t reject what God wants to do because it messes with your comfort.
Read in scripture – God didn’t remove the messy parts of people’s reactions.

I know from experience – when God moves, hungry people don’t care how it looks.

If they jerk, fall down, laugh uncontrollably, fall down in the Spirit.
When God shows up, individual lives are changed.
Not mildly influenced, but radically changed.

Do you know why in church history the Quakers were called quakers?
The shouting Methodists, or the shaking Methodists?

This morning I don’t want to highlight the manifestations of God, but I want to create hunger for the presence of God.

That presence that changes my heart, changes my perspective for life.

Will you pray this prayer with me?
God make me hungry for You!
Change my life.
Change my church.
Change my city.

God come and do what you want to do.

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