3nd Annual Virtual Aquaponic Cannabis Conference Day 2

2 years ago

Welcome to the 3nd Annual Virtual Aquaponic Cannabis Conference Day 2

8:00 AM Matt Powers of The Permaculture Student @thepermaculturestudent
9:00 AM Justin Hess - South Africa of Ichthys @aquaponics_africa @ichthys_aquaponics
10:00 AM Breeder Steve of Spice of Life Seeds @breedersteve7324 @breedersteve
11:00 AM Mr Green of I Grow Chronic @igrowchron
12:00 PM Brandon Rust of Bokashi Earthworks @rust.brandon
1:00 PM Marry Beth Sanchez @mbsipm
2:00 PM Chris Trump @ChrisTrumpSoilSteward @Soilstewart
3:00 PM Rob Bob of Rob Bob Aquaponics @robs_aquaponics
4:00 PM Breeder Panel @Sungrownmidz @mrgreengenesgarden @prideofthelionseeds @regenerativeorganiccannabis @irie_genetics
5:00 PM Jose Luis Salmeron - Mexico @cannafishmx
6:00 PM Marty Waddell of APMeds @APmeds @ApMeds

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