The Greatest Sermon Ever Told - Matthew 6 - 10

2 years ago

Matthew chapters 5-7 contain the Sermon on the Mount, in which Jesus teaches his followers about righteousness, the Kingdom of Heaven, and the fulfillment of the law. In chapter 5, Jesus teaches the importance of righteousness that goes beyond outward actions and emphasizes the importance of inner righteousness and humility. In chapter 6, Jesus teaches about prayer, fasting, and almsgiving. In chapter 7, Jesus teaches about judging others and the importance of humility and obedience.

In chapter 8, Jesus demonstrates his power and authority by performing a number of miracles, including healing a leper and calming a storm. In chapter 9, Jesus continues to perform miracles, including healing a paralyzed man and raising a dead girl to life. In chapter 10, Jesus sends out his disciples to spread the message of the Kingdom of God and gives them authority to perform miracles and heal the sick. He also teaches about the cost of following him and the importance of perseverance in the face of persecution.

As we walk with Jesus to become better disciples, Pastor Bryan Attwood walks the congregation through the book of Matthew chapters 5 - 10

Sunday Service @ 9am & 11am (live streamed on Facebook)

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