Boost Your SEO w/ the R.A.D Formula & Drop My Link: Guest Post on Authority Sites & Build Backlinks

1 year ago

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Hey hows it going everyone? Jonathan here, and in today's free training I will be covering the R.A.D formula and how to use it for Guest posting in SEO -

Guest posting is a powerful strategy for building backlinks, increasing visibility, and establishing oneself as an expert in a particular field.

By publishing high-quality content on other websites, individuals and companies can drive traffic to their own site, gain valuable backlinks, and position themselves as thought leaders in their industry.

However, not all guest posts are created equal.

To get real results, it's essential to approach guest posting in the right way. This is where the RAD formula comes in.

RAD is an acronym for Relevance, Authority, and Due Diligence.

These are the three crucial factors to consider when identifying and qualifying websites to guest post on.

Relevance is the most important step, as it ensures that the website you're guest posting on is related to your niche.

By getting referenced by sites in your niche, you'll gain more weight than a reference from a site that has no relationship to your niche.

For example, if you're in the travel industry, specifically the yachting niche, it wouldn't make sense to write a guest post on a technology blog compared to a travel or sailing website.

To find relevant sites, you can use two methods.

The first is to search for niche-relevant guest post sites using Google.

Type in phrases like "[Insert Niche] blog + guest post," "[Insert Niche] blog + write for us," and "[Insert Niche] blog + submit a guest post."

This method can help you find hundreds (and sometimes thousands) of relevant guest posting opportunities.

Another way is to leverage backlink insight from major niche sites.

For example, in the travel niche, you could use the Lonely Planet as a benchmark.

By looking at the websites that link to the Lonely Planet, you can assume that these sites are most likely in the broad travel niche.

By using this insight, you could scrape these sites and ask them for a guest post.

Once you have a list of possible guest post target sites, you will need to use an email scraping tool like to find contact details. is easy to use, you just need to upload a file with all the domains in your list, and it will scrape any available emails associated with those domains.

Authority is the second step in the RAD formula.

It's essential to find websites that have a high level of authority, as the more authoritative a website is, the more valuable the backlink will be.

To determine a website's authority, you can use tools like Ahrefs or SEMrush.

These tools provide a Domain Rating (DR) score, which measures a website's overall authority.

The final step in the RAD formula is Due Diligence.

This step is about making sure that the website you're guest posting on is reputable and trustworthy.

You can do this by checking to see if the website has a privacy policy, terms of service, and contact information.

You should also check to see if the website has any broken links or is using any black hat SEO tactics.

By following the RAD formula, you can identify and qualify websites to guest post on that are relevant, authoritative, and trustworthy.

This will help ensure that the backlinks you gain from guest posting are valuable and will improve your search engine rankings.

But, guest posting isn't just about getting backlinks. It's also about increasing brand awareness and establishing oneself as an industry leader or expert.

By writing high-quality, informative content that is relevant to the audience of the website where it is published, individuals and companies can establish themselves as thought leaders in their field.

This can help to increase brand awareness and drive traffic to their website.

Additionally, guest posting can be an effective way to increase traffic to your website.

By publishing content on other websites, you can reach a new audience and attract visitors to your site. This can help to increase your website's visibility and search engine rankings.

0:00 - Intro
1:25 - The R.A.D Formula
2:00 - Analyzing a Website and Using Moz Bar
2:41 - How to use Drop My Link to Find High Authority Sites in Your Market
3:14 - Using Moz Bar Extension to Analyze Page and Domain Authority Plus Backlinks
4:45 - How to Contact Website Owner
5:21 - Using Hunter.IO to Get Email Addresses from Websites
6:15 - Doing Our Due Diligence to make sure the Website is Owned by A Real Person and Not a Farm Site
6:55 - Message Template to Use When Contacting the Website Owner
9:00 - Outro

=== Tools & Resources Mentioned in The Video ===

Moz Bar Chrome Extension -

Drop My Link -

R.A.D Formula Google Docs -

Message Template to Contact Site Owner (Google Docs) -

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Donate via Cash App - $joncoates89

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